Secure, stable servers, and solid business practices are employed to ensure long term viability and satisfaction to our customers. Why? Because we are one of them. Our personal interests are always invested in the servers to ensure constant full-time interest in the welfare of our servers.
Why choose us over the thousands of webhosts available? It's simple. You know someone who hosts with us and they are happy with the service and recommend it.
We only obtain new customers by referal from existing customers. Our servers are shared communities and we are selective about who we want on them. This cuts down on scammers looking to abuse the server, use it for spamming, or commit any other cyber-crime that would negatively impact the other users of the same server.
We use many tools to automatically scan and watch over our servers.
SIM (system integrity monitor) watches over key services and ensures they are always running. If they fail for whatever reason, they are immediately restarted by SIM.
Backups are done incrementaly on a daily basis with a full backup once a week. This ensures a critic error can be recovered from quickly.
BFD (Brute Force Detection) runs continuously on our servers. This program works real time in conjunction with our firewall to block IP Addresses of users that fail authentication.
We optimize our MySQL Server's to perform at their best under the most common and standard environments.
SPRI also runs 24x7. This program changes the priority of different processes in accordance to their level of importance. This helps decrease our load levels on our servers at busy periods.
The server is monitored by two separate outside agencies. This ensures that if key services fail and the server is unable to correct the problem automatically, it sends an alert to the datacenter to immediately take corrective action. That's human hands and minds responding to the issue within 15 minutes of the alert.
We use industry standard control panels (Currently CPanel 11.x) with no restriction on sub-domains, add-on domains, database quantities, or any other artificial limitations. All server software is kept up to date and only stable builds are used. This means you only pay for the space and transfer you use, and the stability and security that you will become accustomed to.
We do not try to gain new business with cut rate prices. Our pricing model is designed to cover the cost of a reliable server with a small selection of trusted clients. The following is a list of the costs we need to cover:
Here is the short version, for the long legal yada yada version click here. Generally it is common sense, if in doubt, just ask.
We respect your privacy and will not give any information about you to anyone except what is required to run our operations. Also we will be forced to provide information about you if we are given a subpoena. However we will contact you to allow you to defend yourself before we provide any information to any third party.
Please use the web form located at to contact us if you are not a customer. If you are a customer already, you should have our private email addresses, and additionally our hotmail address in the event of a server wide email failure.